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Coach Frequently Asked Questions
What is the DashStrom Fitness Program Certification?An online certification program designed for individuals who want to empower children with confidence, grit and a growth mindset through fitness.
How long does it take to complete?The course is approximately 10 hours. It can be done 100% virtually or if there is a certification class being taught in your community it can be in person, or hybrid. You must complete the training within 15 days. You can start scheduling classes as soon as you pass our background check and upload a certificate of insurance.
Do I need any prior certifications?All you need is a desire to help children build confidence, grit and a growth mindset. We'll take care of the rest.
What if I'm not a runner myself?No problem. Although we talk a lot about running and running form ... it's just the basics. And learning about these basics will help you improve your own running ... even if it's from the car to the front door!
Where can I give classes?We will share with you different options for giving your classes, what has worked best for us and other coaches in the past. This includes working with partners, location specific and mobile programs. Our coaches have worked with hundreds of organizations across the country and our toolkit will provide step by step support along your journey.
Can I do these games indoors?Yes! Granted, not all games are appropriate for indoors but we recommend adaptations and you can use them as needed. It's a great way to host classes in indoor spaces like gyms, studios, etc.
Will I have support?Yes, yes, and more yes. We are committed to your success. Not only will you have access to top notch training, we offer unlimited email support and multiple office hours per week.
Are there additional costs from the certification?Your certification includes access to the training and a background check. You will likely have additional expenses including: Platform fee (you are charged a fee per student, the amount varies depending on the package you select) Insurance (can range from $100 to $400/year) Equipment (you will need basic equipment that is easily available such as cones, balls, etc and estimated at $150-$200) Some locations might require you to pay a fee in order to conduct classes however this is location specific
Can I have an assistant coach?Yes, having an assistant coach is always a good idea. This can be a high school volunteer or someone you pay per class. Anyone on location with you must pass the background screening (Approximate cost $30). As part of your membership, you will receive a complimentary background check for both yourself and one other person per year. We have strategies to help you navigate this as part of our training.
What happens if I stop giving classes?Accounts that are inactive for 60 days are removed from the platform and your certification will no longer be valid.
Do you have a refund policy?You can receive a full refund within 24 hours or a 50% refund within the first 10 days.
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